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Seal of Biliteracy

There is no application for the Seal of Biliteracy. Seniors who have met eligibility via coursework within RJUHSD will be notified if they have received the award.

The California Department of Education has determined the criteria for the California State Seal of Biliteracy recognition. Students must show proficiency in English as well as in one or more languages, other than English, by demonstrating the following: 

  1.  English Proficiency:
    • Course work OR district approved assessment (CAASPP, AP, IB, SAT)
    • ELs only: (ELPAC)
  2.  Proficiency in a language other than English demonstrated via one of these four routes:

Please see link below for additional details.

The California State Seal of Biliteracy Flyer

Board Policy 5126 Awards for Achievement

Administrative Regulation 5126 Awards for Achievement

Email: Director II of Multilingual Education & EL Support